Recycling Facts
Scotch Corner Recycling Centre in 1 month!
Each month we recycle around 150 tonnes of cardboard, 30 tonnes of newspaper / magazines, 15 tonnes of mixed paper, 10 tonnes of plastic wrapping, 3 tonnes of plastic bottles, 8 tonnes of glass and 3 tonnes of clothes at the Scotch Corner Recycling Centre
- Each ton of paper recycled can save 17 trees, 3 cubic yards of landfill space and 7,000 gallons of water
- Every plastic bag we throw away stays buried in the ground for up to 500 years before it breaks down
- It takes 5 PET bottles to make the filling for a jacket or 150 to make 1 carpet mat
- 1 glass jar recycled saves enough energy to run a TV for 15 minutes
- 670 aluminium cans can make up to 1 bicycle when recycled.
Why Recycle?
We all have to do our bit for the environment with the growing effect of Global Warming and the scarcity of landfills. It is very important to educate people especially children about the benefits of recycling for both them and the environment.
- Recycling helps save resources
- Recycling helps save energy
- Recycling helps save landfill space
- Recycling helps create jobs and save money
- Recycling saves clean air and water
Composting is also a great way to recycle (see our section on composting). We have home compost bins for sale at the Recycling Centre. Help is at hand if you need to know where to put the different materials or need help with heavy or bulky items, just ask the caretaker on duty. Information leaflets are available in the reception area and we offer School Tours (see School Tour section) for free which give a detailed explanation of materials accepted at the centre and how they are recycled and of course we are doing our bit to help promote and make aware the benefits of recycling to the people of the future who are the children of today.
Look forward to seeing you there!!